Tanggal 19 September 2007 aku dapat email yang isinya kalo aku dapat lotere sebesar £750,000.00(GBP)waw......gile banget liat angkanya aja dah merinding apalagi kalo beneran ada ditangan pasti pingsan tuch. Karena baru pertama kali dapat kayak gini aku email balik emailnya karena ada form yang perlu aku isi (Aku posting email dari The Irish National Lottery-email 1). Setelah aku isi ada email kiriman lagi yang berbunyi dokumen original akan segera dikirim waktunya hanya 2 minggu untuk bisa nge-klaim uangnya. Dokumen tersebut bisa dikirim hanya melalui citysprint karena courier service ini yang bisa menjamin keselamatan dokumennya. Dan kitalah yang menanggung biaya pengiriman dokumennya. Dan nantinya kirim balik dokumennya setelah ditanda tangani.
Karena tau gitu aku langsung email balik ke citysprint untuk tau berapa biaya pengirimannya, mahal apa nggak. Karena aku masih nafsu ama duit segitu banyak bouuww.... Email balasan aku tunggu sambil browsing mencari tahu apakah ini penipuan atau nggak, dan aku coba cari di search engine google dengan mengetik "Penipuan Lottery" dan ada banyak terjadi dan anehnya saat aku buka http://egoldkoe.blogspot.com/2007/07/hati-hati-dengan-penipuan-email.html
disitu terlihat nama dan alamat si pembuat acara loterry berbeda tapi yang aneh ref no dan batch no nya bisa sama. Lalu aku berfikir wah...aku ketipu nech!!! Ternyata cuma scam email, Kecewa ceh..ihiks...ihikss...!. Kenapa musti pusing, aku juga gak pernah ikut lotere tapi koq ingin memiliki, ya sudahlah akhirnya insyaf juga (he..he...he...he.).
Ternyata pagi ini saat membuka email aku lihat ada jawaban email dari citysprint (lihat email 3/3) disitu kasih harga/biaya pengirimannya woowww..mahal juga. Karena dah tau itu penipuan akhirnya jadi malas untuk balas email. Dan ternyata di alamat emailku yang satu lagi ada lagi menang lotere sebesar £1,000,000.00(GBP)-cuape dech!! Buang-buang waktu untuk hal yang tidak berguna aja. eeeeiiit...berguna juga dech..buktinya aku bisa bagi pengalaman disini, biar orang lain bisa tau dan gak kena tipu. Tuch khan bener berguna juga.
email ke 1/3
The Irish National Online Lottery
P O Box 1010 Dublin, 11 G
Lower Dorset Street
(Customer Services)
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/ZY369
Dear Winner
This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of
£750,000.00(GBP) in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03. held on
the 9th of september. 2007 in United Kingdom.The selection process was
carried out
through random selection in our computerized email selection system
(ess) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from which
you were selected.
The Irish National Lottery is approved by the Uk Gaming Board. In other
to claim your won prize from the lottery board you are required to fill
out the claims processing form and send it to our Claims Agent here in
the United Kingdom with the details below:
Name Of Claims Agent: Mr John Mccall.
Email address :euromillionsclaim@yahoo.co.uk
Phone :+447045725852
Below is the claims form you are required to fill:
1.FULL NAMES:----------------------
5.MARITAL STATUS:-----------------
7.ANNUAL INCOME:------------------
9.AMOUNT WON:----------------------
10. COUNTRY:---------------------------
11.EMAIL ADDRESS:-----------------
Goodluck from me and members of staff of the IRISH NATIONAL LOTTERY.
Yours faithfully,
Sir Kolyn Perkins.
Online coordinator for
email ke 2/3
The Irish National Online Lottery
P O Box 1010 Dublin, 11 G
Lower Dorset Street
(Customer Services)
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/ZY369
From The Desk of,
MR.John Mccall.
Fiduciary Agent/Logistic Officer
Attn : ....................
The process for claiming your wins has been made very simple so that by the end of two weeks at most, you are assured of having received your cash prize of £ 750,000.00 (GBP). HOwver, City Sprint Courier Company are responsible for sending you your Certified Cheque and the original copies of the documents which will require your signature. When the documents are couriered to you, you would sign them and return them to the courier company, from there it would be forwarded to our lottery headquarters.Please obligate to follow the City Sprint Courier Company instructions so the parcel can get to your present address on time.
You are to contact the Dispatch officer of the Payment Parastatal with the following information below.
Contact Person : Mr. Barry Smith
E-mail : citysprint.couriercompany@yahoo.com
Phone : +44705742314
Fax :+447075209966
You are requires to give The Courier Company your name, telephone number, Amount Won and address in case they need to contact you regarding the delivery. This information will not be kept by City Sprint Courier Company or used by any other third party.
Do ensure to inform me of your further correspondence with the courier in order for me to advice you on further actions to take in ensuring that your winnings is successfully collected by you. and note that you are going to be charge for cost of delivery to your country
Note: Make sure you file your claims properly to the dispatch oficer, winning prize, ref number and batch number. At the time of payment of winnning prize. For security reasons you are advised to keep winning information confidentiial till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.This is part of our precutionry measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Please be warned.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. John Mccall,
Phone : +447024027721
Email :euromillionboard@yahoo.co.uk
email ke 3/3
City Sprint Courier Company
Head Office & Accounts
Eight Floor
(Road Map)
London UKphone: +447045742314
Fax: +447075209966
Dear Customer,
You have meet all the requirements of the City Sprint courier company,we are pleased to be at your service. City Sprint Courier Company is Regulated and Stipulated by the Financial Service Authority(FSA).the financial institutions that govern all Financial activities in the United Kingdom.
This office has been Notified by the IRISH NATIONAL LOTTERY of the amount won of about £ 250,000.00 Pounds This means that you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Department at the headquarters of the IRISH NATIONAL LOTTERY.
Attached to this mail is the parcel containing the original copy of your winning certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British government stating that the money was obtained legally through the IRISH NATIONAL LOTTERY will be sent to you as soon as you meet with any of the option selected.
Sure the stated address is correct because the courier company will not be held for any loose acquired after delivery.
You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the delivery of your cash prize to you. With regards to this, there are three options open to you, you are required to select the most convenient of the three and note that you are to pay the delivery charge.
The options, together with their associated conditions are presented below
Delivery. 48Hrs
Delivery. 72Hrs
DELIVERY DURATION 24 Hrs Delivery 48 Hrs Delivery 72 Hrs Delivery
COURIER CHARGES £300.00 £200.00 £100.00
VALUED ADDED TAX £100.00 £100.00 £100.00
CUSTOM DUTIES £150.00 £150.00 £150.00
ADMINISTRATIVE £100.00 £100.00 £100.00
INSURANCE FEE £100.00 £100.00 £100.00
TOTAL COST (GBP) £750.00 £650.00 £550.00
Note: The charges cannot be Deducted from your winning.This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the National Gambling Act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD July 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to avoid misappropriation of funds and win Situations. Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above.
Send your response to indicate your option within the next 24hrs,because you only have 2 weeks to claim this cheque and after this period, your cash prize will be deemed to have been forfeited by you and will be reused in the drawings of the next edition of the lottery.
Yours Faithfully
Mr Barry Smith,
dispatch officer.
This message, along with any attachments, is strictly confidential, and intended solely for the use of the person or organization to whom it
is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information which is covered by legal, professional, or other privileges. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. In this case, please destroy the email and its attachments. Any opinions presented, expressed or implied, are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Company.
Copyright © 2007 City Sprint Courier Company . All rights
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